Archive for the ‘vegetables’ Tag

Lowest Price For Delicious Greens 8000!

Oh Vegetables… How you have eluded many… Lots of people have been turned off to the idea of eating multiple servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If you’re one of these people, don’t feel bad that you don’t enjoy or have the ability to eat all the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. You are not alone! Greens World has been helping people get their fruit and vegetable power for many years, and for the year 2011, they have lowered their prices to help further this group of benefactors!

All five flavors of the Delicious Greens and Reds contain the same antioxidant power as 20 servings of fruits and vegetables, as well as contain many essential vitamins, minerals, extracts, enzymes, probiotics, and ionic trace minerals. Delicious Greens supports nutrition, digestion, immunity, circulation, anti-aging, Ph balance, and healthy body function. It’s the easiest way to get all of these essential health benefits into your body. And since Greens World is so focused on getting everyone to be healthier, they have lowered the price per canister of the amazing product! One canister, one month’s supply, is $26.00, and the 13 pack is $315.25 breaking down to $24.25 a canister! Plus with the 13 pack you get FREE  SHIPPING! For information on how to order this new special, please call our toll free number 1-800-641-6802. One of our employees will be glad to help you, as good customer service is one of our core beliefs.

Greens Worlds Products have been long time favorites for the Nokomis Nutrition/Good Deal Vitamins Employees. Everyone seems to have their favorite flavor or combination. When mixed with the Trace Minerals Research product “electrolyte stamina”, the strawberry-kiwi and fruit punch reds formulas get a good zing and pop added to them. When combined with the Almased synergy diet or Matrix’s many protein powders, the chocolate greens is a true delight with added benefits! So many combinations, so many ideas, so much nutrition!

Good Deals, Great Products!

Good Deal Vitamins